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SAP - SAP•C - Domestic hot water producers

Instant on-demand DHW production is a refined alternative to storage production, which reduces to the minimum the proliferation risk of bacteria such as legionellae and supports simple and complete control of the water heating function. SAP and SAP-C are modules for instant on-demand DHW production, suited to multi-family and condominium users. SAP and SAP-C are connected to a buffer storage tank containing primary water heated by one or more generators, which is sent to the high efficiency heat exchanger, and transfers heat to the domestic water on the secondary circulator and heats it instantaneously.

The primary circulator is controlled by an electronic control unit based on the temperature detected by the flow/temperature sensor, installed on the DHW output, with respect to the user‘s set-point. SAP and SAP-C are available in a variety of sizes, in the variants with or without recirculation circuit, also with mixing valve and thermostatic head on the primary side to limit inflow temperature at the exchanger.



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